Best quotes by Tan France on People

Checkout quotes by Tan France on People

  • A boot cut does not look great on most people.
    - Tan France
  • Being 'out and proud' can feel like a real luxury of Western culture, where people are often white and see existing white gay people in their culture. That's a kind of privilege people don't know they possess.
    - Tan France
  • I hadn't seen any people like me on TV before, and I definitely didn't want to be the first one. I didn't want that responsibility on my head.
    - Tan France
  • We have the luxury in the West of being able to say, 'Yeah, absolutely, we're progressive, we've moved forward with the gay community.' We haven't in a lot of other countries. My people from Pakistan - I know we haven't moved forward.
    - Tan France
  • I think that people assume when they meet me that I'm going to judge what they're wearing.
    - Tan France
  • It's not called 'Queer Eye For the Straight Guy' now for a reason. We want to be able to help more and more people, and why wouldn't we help women, and why wouldn't we help a trans man? I want to help as many different groups as physically possible with this show.
    - Tan France
  • As a stylist, my goal is to help people be the best version of themselves.
    - Tan France
  • From my vertical, people, especially men, don't realize what clothes can do for their self-esteem, the way they see themselves, their confidence.
    - Tan France
  • When you're talking about people's clothes, you're also talking about their bodies. That opens up some kind of vulnerability.
    - Tan France