Best quotes by Pepa on Women

Checkout quotes by Pepa on Women

  • We opened the door for women rappers.
    - Pepa
  • Women come up to us all the time and give us the most amazing compliments, like, 'Salt-N-Pepa was the soundtrack of my life.' They remind us that we meant so much to them. Sometimes artists don't really grasp that. But when you talk to fans, you get in touch with your legacy.
    - Pepa
  • I want to reach everyone, but I have a dedication to women. Being that I'm a woman myself, and with the things that I've gone through, I've dealt with a lot of women that are in the dark and blind about relationships who depend on men for their happiness, emotionally and financially.
    - Pepa
  • The women like us because we're the first real women rappers, and the men like us because we're strong. We're not some soft little rappers with soft little voices. The men who see us end up going, 'Hey! They're kickin' it!'
    - Pepa
  • Girls are our biggest fans, I tell you. I mean women; I mean even the big ones. They say things like, 'You inspired me!'
    - Pepa