Best quotes by Rusev on Day

Checkout quotes by Rusev on Day

  • I attended sports school in Bulgaria just like my parents. I attended class twice a day and trained twice a day.
    - Rusev
  • It just makes me smile - every time I hear somebody say 'Rusev Day,' it just makes me smile.
    - Rusev
  • Being the United States champion, it makes me elevate the title even more because, at the end of the day, that is what I wanna do. I wanna elevate the title, whether it be the world championship, the universal championship, any of these titles.
    - Rusev
  • Eventually, one day, you know, cream rises to the top. So, you know, I'm waiting... I'm waiting for the rise.
    - Rusev
  • How does Vince McMahon feel about Rusev Day? He's supportive; he's trying to teach me a lot.
    - Rusev