Best quotes by Allan Holdsworth on Music

Checkout quotes by Allan Holdsworth on Music

  • My music is written with one goal in mind: to improvise. It's like explaining a great story in words, but without words, much faster than you could with words. It's like a direct line of instantaneous communication where you don't have to wait for the end.
    - Allan Holdsworth
  • If you fall in love with a woman, there's this unknown thing that gives you a force and energy, and music is like that, too. If I lived to be 2000, I'd never know anything about music. And that's great.
    - Allan Holdsworth
  • I think the guy who tells you he knows about music is really dumb, or he's lying to himself.
    - Allan Holdsworth
  • The problem we have is that, some people call it 'too rock' to play on a jazz station, and it's 'too jazz' to play on a rock station. So it's difficult. It's difficult to make it playing this kind of music.
    - Allan Holdsworth
  • To most people, jazz-fusion means this dreadful synthetic jazz-rock thing, this jazz-Muzak, which I detest. They also think of jazz as a specific form of music, while to me it's just the opposite.
    - Allan Holdsworth
  • Music moves forward so quickly; music is an accumulation of knowledge, and musicians keep getting better and better.
    - Allan Holdsworth
  • There are good people in radio and the record companies, but there are others who are completely in the wrong job and holding music up in the process.
    - Allan Holdsworth
  • As soon as I figured out I didn't know anything about music, I was OK. It's when I thought I could learn something that I was in trouble.
    - Allan Holdsworth
  • I love music - really a lot. That's why I do it. But mine just never makes it, to me. There's always something wrong with it, something I want to change. But I like that, because at least it keeps me looking, trying to find ways I can improve, which obviously are a lot.
    - Allan Holdsworth
  • I'd get another job before I would play music I don't enjoy. But then, I'm really not qualified to do anything else.
    - Allan Holdsworth
  • I was working with another major label after Warner Bros, and they were telling me who to hire as musicians, what kind of music to play, what producer to use. I mean, what's the point of putting me on the record?
    - Allan Holdsworth
  • Whenever I watch a movie I like to imagine what sort of music I might compose for a scene, to create a particular kind of atmosphere, because when I see something I hear something.
    - Allan Holdsworth
  • I had always wanted to compose music for movies, but had never been given the opportunity.
    - Allan Holdsworth
  • Most of the musicians I play with - aside from the form and structure of the music - the interpretation is up to them.
    - Allan Holdsworth
  • I wanted to be a music fan who just listens to music. I never wanted to be musician. I didn't gravitate toward playing.
    - Allan Holdsworth
  • I went through a bad period where I was just not writing; I couldn't create anything. I was out of ideas. But when I started playing on other people's music, I realized how lucky I was to be doing this.
    - Allan Holdsworth
  • It falls in all the cracks, from classical music to jazz,. Anywhere there's a hole in the floor, my music falls through it. But that's OK.
    - Allan Holdsworth
  • My dad was a fine pianist and he had a lot of great records and beautiful music.
    - Allan Holdsworth