Best quotes by Rebecca Traister on Life

Checkout quotes by Rebecca Traister on Life

  • It's important to remember that, while poverty certainly makes single life harder, it also makes married life harder - so much harder that single life might be preferable.
    - Rebecca Traister
  • Changing professional expectations and technological tools have created an impossibility of balancing work and life.
    - Rebecca Traister
  • 'Marriage' was not that big a deal, to be honest! I mean, it makes life easier for technical reasons: insurance, next-of-kin stuff, joint tax filing, etc. The real shocker was falling in love with the man I'm married to. I was 32 when we met, and I had really never been in a functional relationship before, had never been deeply in love.
    - Rebecca Traister
  • I'd spent my whole adult life considering myself an independent entity, my life filled by work and friends and family. Suddenly I had a male partner, someone I woke up with and went to sleep with every night.
    - Rebecca Traister
  • By the time Clinton graduated from Yale Law School, many people, including her boyfriend Bill, believed she could, and should, embark on a political career. She'd given the Wellesley commencement speech that had earned her a 'Life' write-up of her own.
    - Rebecca Traister
  • I had thought a lot about unmarried life during my years as an unmarried woman - which was all during my 20s and into my 30s. I was someone who didn't have a ton of relationships as a single person - and so I had a sharp identification with singlehood.
    - Rebecca Traister
  • Throughout America's history, the start of adult life for women - whatever else it might have been destined to include - had been typically marked by marriage.
    - Rebecca Traister
  • Since the late 19th century, the median age of first marriage for women had fluctuated between 20 and 22. This had been the shape, pattern and definition of female life.
    - Rebecca Traister
  • Single female life is not prescription, but its opposite: liberation.
    - Rebecca Traister
  • Look at somebody like Margaret Sanger, who was married young and had kids but then left her husband and wound up living a kind of single life as she got into the founding of what would become Planned Parenthood.
    - Rebecca Traister
  • Single women will get us closer to gender equality, and that will take many forms, including a reimagining of what families entail and what it means to have a full female life. Also, their presence will force the government to support a population of independent women more capably.
    - Rebecca Traister