Best quotes by Jimmy Gomez on Me

Checkout quotes by Jimmy Gomez on Me

  • A poor person in my community doesn't see a person driving a Tesla and say, 'That benefits me.'
    - Jimmy Gomez
  • If I was such a corporate Democrat, why would the California Nurses Association, one of the leading advocates for a single-payer system, endorse me?
    - Jimmy Gomez
  • If I was so establishment, I don't think Our Revolution... would actually endorse me.
    - Jimmy Gomez
  • The money doesn't buy me, and it never will.
    - Jimmy Gomez
  • In my four years as a state legislator, I went to dozens of nontraditional events - everything from bird watchings to tree giveaways, neighborhood cleanups to self-defense clinics for women - going where people are instead of asking them to come to me. It's how I learned about their struggles and how legislative decisions affected their lives.
    - Jimmy Gomez
  • To me, 'the establishment' means people who are out of touch with the people they're elected to represent.
    - Jimmy Gomez
  • My district really wanted me... to take a hard stance against a Donald Trump agenda.
    - Jimmy Gomez