Best quotes by Chris Eubank Jr. on Myself

Checkout quotes by Chris Eubank Jr. on Myself

  • There was many who had some doubts over me regarding my position in this sport, but I've always believed in myself and that's the way it's always been.
    - Chris Eubank Jr.
  • People ask me 'Are you copying your dad?' It is in my blood. I have got royal blood coursing through my veins. I can't help myself doing what my father did.
    - Chris Eubank Jr.
  • Saunders didn't beat me. I wasn't battered or shown-up. I made the mistake of not pressing him early, pacing myself too much because it was my first 12-round fight.
    - Chris Eubank Jr.
  • I look up to my father, he's done what he's done, and I want to emulate his achievements and become as successful as he was. But I have to prove myself to the boxing community and to myself - that's the most important thing.
    - Chris Eubank Jr.
  • I see myself as the best fighter in the world and that's because I have to. There can't be any other way. I can't go into a fight with the other names that are around my weight, who want the same as me, and not believe that I'm better than them.
    - Chris Eubank Jr.