Best quotes by Jessica Savitch on News

Checkout quotes by Jessica Savitch on News

  • Television news is a delicate balance of serving public good and private gain.
    - Jessica Savitch
  • The news anchor is exactly that - an anchor, a center, a focus.
    - Jessica Savitch
  • When I first anchored in 1970, I had never seen a woman anchor a news show.
    - Jessica Savitch
  • The latest wrinkle is on wrinkles. There is a widespread belief that women can't grow old in television news.
    - Jessica Savitch
  • Some news managers have been slow to grasp that good television news is always substance over form.
    - Jessica Savitch
  • One reason I left local news was that I was tired of the constant musical chairs among news directors.
    - Jessica Savitch
  • News reporting is a cycle: No matter how much you work at sending a message, it's only successful if it's received.
    - Jessica Savitch
  • News events cannot be controlled, nor can newscasts be mapped out like entertainment shows.
    - Jessica Savitch
  • News events are like Texas weather. If you don't like it, wait a minute.
    - Jessica Savitch
  • Men still control the news, both on and off camera.
    - Jessica Savitch