Best quotes by Katie Hopkins on Me

Checkout quotes by Katie Hopkins on Me

  • Call me old-fashioned, but armpit hair is not high up there on my wish list of things to have.
    - Katie Hopkins
  • Most wives look at me the way lame deer look at a hungry lion.
    - Katie Hopkins
  • I think you can tell a great deal from a name. For me, there are certain names that I hear, and I think, 'Urgh.' For me, a name is a shortcut of finding out what class that child comes from and makes me ask, 'Do I want my children to play with them?'
    - Katie Hopkins
  • 'Big Brother' reminded me that housemates should be aware of health and safety.
    - Katie Hopkins
  • It takes an awful lot to get me cross.
    - Katie Hopkins
  • If anyone is on my husband's arm, it's going to be me.
    - Katie Hopkins