Best quotes by Lenny Kravitz on Music

Checkout quotes by Lenny Kravitz on Music

  • Music is my life, it is a reflection of what I go through.
    - Lenny Kravitz
  • I'm half Jewish, I'm half black, I look in-between. I dress funny. I play all these different styles of music on one record. It's like, What is he doing?
    - Lenny Kravitz
  • It was amazing to me that, all of a sudden, I was hearing my music on the radio and coming out of cars.
    - Lenny Kravitz
  • It's like a dream to come to Spain and stay for a couple of years and get somebody to teach me Spanish music.
    - Lenny Kravitz
  • There's definitely an old school element to my music, but I also think it's modern.
    - Lenny Kravitz