Best quotes by Jeri Ryan on Character

Checkout quotes by Jeri Ryan on Character

  • The costume that I wear on the show is a little snug and doesn't leave a whole lot to the imagination. I don't have a problem with it because of the way this character's been written.
    - Jeri Ryan
  • They said that Seven was a former Borg who had been human and had been assimilated. She was regaining her humanity. I had no interest in this character.
    - Jeri Ryan
  • I would defy people to find a more beautifully developed character than Seven of Nine.
    - Jeri Ryan
  • I've loved the escapism of being another person, slipping into another character for a little while.
    - Jeri Ryan
  • That's what makes a character interesting from an actor's perspective - the more screwed up, the better.
    - Jeri Ryan