Best quotes by Charles Leclerc on Me

Checkout quotes by Charles Leclerc on Me

  • Twitch is something I never thought I'd enjoy and I never saw myself doing. But actually I really enjoyed it. For the people that follow me, I think it's the closest you can get to the real me.
    - Charles Leclerc
  • Jules Bianchi was my racing godfather, and he spoke a lot to Ferrari about me.
    - Charles Leclerc
  • As soon as I signed with Ferrari it was clear to me that people expected big performances from me. Even though people were realistic enough to see that I was only starting my second season and that I still had a lot to learn.
    - Charles Leclerc
  • Nobody believes me, but to be honest the pressure is not something that I feel.
    - Charles Leclerc
  • It is vitally important for me to concentrate on myself, on the work that I have to do on the track and off it with the engineers, without really thinking about what people are expecting from me on the outside.
    - Charles Leclerc
  • My father, well he helped me with everything. From the start he was my biggest supporter and taught me a lot about his experience as a driver.
    - Charles Leclerc