Best quotes by Jeremy Irons on Me

Checkout quotes by Jeremy Irons on Me

  • So I continued through my next school, which takes me up to the age of 17, moving from the bottom stream of one year into the bottom stream of the next year, all the way through. I showed other talents which gave me self-respect, which is fine.
    - Jeremy Irons
  • I have played characters where I haven't been absorbed - you know, what I call a typical film leading man role where you just have to look gorgeous and be attractive and charming. It bores me. I like a bit of dirt, a bit of sand in the oyster.
    - Jeremy Irons
  • Godspell was a good leap for me, it was a good shop window.
    - Jeremy Irons
  • I think I would not be described as a character actor in that I don't take on characteristics which are very alien to me.
    - Jeremy Irons
  • I succeeded on sort of chutzpah and charm. No technique at all, didn't know what I was doing, but it worked and the character suited me.
    - Jeremy Irons
  • I had people when I was younger trying to feel me up. Older men. I just told them to get lost.
    - Jeremy Irons