Best quotes by Jeremy Allaire on Money

Checkout quotes by Jeremy Allaire on Money

  • I believe that Bitcoin holds value as a form of 'good money' that is superior to any previously discovered or developed form of money.
    - Jeremy Allaire
  • The blockchain is to money what SMTP is to email. It's an open way to move value around. Every existing player in this space - not just Venmo but also Google and Facebook and others - are all closed; they all want to work just within their own walled garden.
    - Jeremy Allaire
  • The same way we can send and receive an email with anyone, anywhere, for free, or we can share a photo with anyone instantly for free, money will become these digital tokens, and we'll be able to do that with money.
    - Jeremy Allaire
  • We don't think there is any money to be made in payments anymore. The entire business model of extracting a toll or having time delays around the movement of value is going away completely.
    - Jeremy Allaire
  • Bitcoin may herald the dawning of a new age in currency. It holds superior traits as a form of 'good money.' As a tangible form of asset (its core tangibility being its mathematical basis), it could become an incredibly important building block for the 21st century's global economy.
    - Jeremy Allaire