Best quotes by Jeff Lemire on Sweet

Checkout quotes by Jeff Lemire on Sweet

  • There is definitely a thematic lineage between 'Descender' and my previous work, like 'Sweet Tooth' and 'Trillium.'
    - Jeff Lemire
  • When you're a kid, you're not as corrupted by the world at large. You're not corrupted by prejudices. You're much more open-minded. Much more interested in the world around you. 'Sweet Tooth' is about the world returning to that kind of place.
    - Jeff Lemire
  • In the case of 'Sweet Tooth,' and in the case of a lot of stuff I do, it all starts with the image. It may be something I sketch in my sketchbooks - something that reoccurs in the sketchbooks. Eventually, a character or story line starts to grow out of that.
    - Jeff Lemire
  • The cool thing about 'Sweet Tooth' is that you can bring influences from the underground and alternative people that I read and also bring in some genre influences, too, from movies and comics. And kind of mash it all up. It's a fun project.
    - Jeff Lemire
  • I have a lot of great fans. A lot of fans have cosplayed as Sweet Tooth, which I thought was really cool.
    - Jeff Lemire
  • There are certain things in 'Descender' that I've dealt with in the past. I think you can see a direct parallel with Sweet Tooth in TIM-21.
    - Jeff Lemire