Best quotes by Sally Mann on Me

Checkout quotes by Sally Mann on Me

  • I had written my master's thesis on Ezra Pound on 'The Cantos.' And don't ask me about it. I don't remember anything about it.
    - Sally Mann
  • I'm not a good photographer, not a good writer. I'm a pretty regular person whose insecurity is so pervasive that it makes me always feel vulnerable.
    - Sally Mann
  • I couldn't be Susan Sontag. I'm not very good with abstract thought. I always just take to the emotional core of me.
    - Sally Mann
  • Don't get between me and a really good picture in the darkroom, because then I want to go straight to the darkroom and develop it. But once that's done, I'm fine.
    - Sally Mann
  • When I read, I take notes and underline things. So reading is a vigorous process for me, but I read in bed. My poor husband is trying to go to sleep, and I'm reaching over him to get the Post-it notes.
    - Sally Mann
  • The two sensibilities, the visual and the verbal, have always been linked for me - in fact, while reading a particularly evocative passage, I will imagine what the photograph I'd take of that scene would look like, even with burning and dodging notes. Maybe everyone does this.
    - Sally Mann