Best quotes by Robin Sloan on People

Checkout quotes by Robin Sloan on People

  • People tend to think of the quest as a sort of fanciful or fantastical form, but actually, I think it's pretty realistic. I think that story of gathering allies to your side - recruiting your band of companions - actually matches the shape of most great careers, most great lives.
    - Robin Sloan
  • There's certainly satire written about techies, but it's so snarky and snide and doesn't treat him as a whole person. The people I worked with at Twitter - they're very analytical, but they're also deep and thoughtful - I feel like they deserved a charismatic spokesperson.
    - Robin Sloan
  • When you're writing for the Internet, you have the analytics, and you know that people are bailing every second. But various people kept reminding me that once people have bought a book, they're in. You don't have to be selling them on every page.
    - Robin Sloan
  • I saw the short stories people were doing on Kindle and really liked the idea of seeing something I'd written on that screen.
    - Robin Sloan
  • Good writing is really meaningful, and it's one of the - it's still one of the best tools we have to get and capture people's attention.
    - Robin Sloan