Best quotes by Jeff Koons on Life

Checkout quotes by Jeff Koons on Life

  • Art's a very metaphysical activity. It's something that enriches the parameters of your life, the possibilities of being, and you touch transcendence and you change your life. And you want to change the life of others, too. That's why people are involved with art.
    - Jeff Koons
  • I believe that art has been a vehicle for me that's been about enlightenment and expanding my own parameters, to give me courage to exercise the freedom that I have in life.
    - Jeff Koons
  • Pretty mundane closet, but a lot of ties. And I tend not to throw anything out, so I have a lot of clothes from all times from my life. I can be a little sentimental with things like that.
    - Jeff Koons
  • Pretty mundane closet, but a lot of ties. And I tend not to throw anything out, so I have a lot of clothes from all times from my life. I can be a little sentimental with things like that.
    - Jeff Koons
  • I believe in advertisement and media completely. My art and my personal life are based in it. I think that the art world would probably be a tremendous reservoir for everybody involved in advertising.
    - Jeff Koons
  • I think art teaches us how to feel, what our parameters can be, what sensations can be like; it makes you more engaged with life.
    - Jeff Koons