Best quotes by Nadiya Hussain on Me

Checkout quotes by Nadiya Hussain on Me

  • Everything is tested in my little kitchen. The recipes are mine and that's really important to me. When I do a cookery show I know these recipes really well, because every recipe I've ever published has been tested by my kids.
    - Nadiya Hussain
  • I am as average as they get - there is nothing special about me. I'm just getting by.
    - Nadiya Hussain
  • Brexit makes me uncomfortable. It feels like we're in no-man's-land, and it doesn't feel safe. People who voted to leave did so because of the scaremongering. It was all about immigration, but immigration is a great thing.
    - Nadiya Hussain
  • My own kids are absolutely allowed to help me cook it. They of course have the added bonus of knowing how to bake. That wasn't really a concept when I was a kid - I learned it at school in home economics, then started properly when I was home with my children. They love helping me.
    - Nadiya Hussain
  • I do identify as a Muslim and I do identify as a Bangladeshi girl, I identify as British, as well, and a woman and I'm a woman of colour, and why am I ashamed of that? And I used to not want to talk about it. But that is me.
    - Nadiya Hussain
  • I am not the kind of person who narrates every aspect of my life on social media; it's about posting things that are important to me.
    - Nadiya Hussain
  • Give me buttered white bread with Marmite crisps and salad cream and I'm a happy girl.
    - Nadiya Hussain