Best quotes by Jason Clarke on Work

Checkout quotes by Jason Clarke on Work

  • Europeans have it better than the Americans. The Americans work too hard. The balance is out of whack. Europe's hung onto a little bit more of living a life and then working as well.
    - Jason Clarke
  • At the end of the day, I'm an actor. I'm not here to sell other stuff or use off-screen things to generate whether or not I work. If I'm any good, I'll work; if I'm not, I won't.
    - Jason Clarke
  • Your voice is important - it gives away everything about you. The mouth is a muscle you have to work like you'd work at the gym.
    - Jason Clarke
  • Look at a guy like Ian McKellen, who is eighty or whatever, and he's just loving his work, and you can see that in the work. That defines what type of actor you are. And what kind of people want to work with you. And whether you can do this job for a long, long time.
    - Jason Clarke
  • My career has worked out exactly how I like, and I am just happy to go to a coffee shop and nobody knows me, or when they do, they are complimenting me on the work they have seen, and it feels very genuine.
    - Jason Clarke
  • I'm glad to have grown up in the countryside and played, and had to use my imagination rather than a TV and had to learn to act the hard way, to have dealt with the rejection. It's a life as well as a job, at the end the day, we all have to work for a living, but we have to have a life as well.
    - Jason Clarke
  • I like working, and I like the freedom where all that matters is my work.
    - Jason Clarke