Best quotes by Dries Mertens on People

Checkout quotes by Dries Mertens on People

  • Neapolitan people are always outside. They are not in front of the television.
    - Dries Mertens
  • The people at Utrecht know that I'm always looking to improve myself and that I want to get the maximum out of my career.
    - Dries Mertens
  • Football in Italy is crazy and the people are very crazy, too, so I think we are used to it.
    - Dries Mertens
  • I have had so many fine moments in Naples, but the first that comes to mind is when I signed the contract. I immediately loved this city and these wonderful people.
    - Dries Mertens
  • My initials are D.M., just like Diego Maradona. And just like him, I want to be remembered by the people of Naples.
    - Dries Mertens
  • People who aren't in love with Napoli have simply never seen it as I have. And the people who are in love know this love is eternal.
    - Dries Mertens