Best quotes by Jason Bonham on Dad

Checkout quotes by Jason Bonham on Dad

  • Joe Morello, my dad was really into him and Little Richard's drummer.
    - Jason Bonham
  • Somebody asked me the other day, 'What do you love the most about the show?' I said, 'The conversations that I have with my father in my head while I'm playing.' If I do something pretty good... I mean, I'm playing the gig and I'm saying in my head, 'Hey, check that one out, dad.'
    - Jason Bonham
  • I've loved Range Rovers. That goes back to when I was a kid. My dad had the first ever Range Rover that was ever made - the first wave back in the '70s - and he had one every year from that moment, and mom has continued to do that. From the moment they started Range Rovers, they've been in my family.
    - Jason Bonham
  • Dad's influence naturally came into me, rather than trying to emulate every detail. His way of teaching me was to be sparse, and to be explosive when it needed to be.
    - Jason Bonham
  • I always say dad was a lot more funky than people think.
    - Jason Bonham
  • Every drummer I've ever spoken to or read an interview with - my dad is always in their top three. I'm honored to share his name and represent him all these years after he's gone.
    - Jason Bonham
  • When your Dad was the creator of 'Moby Dick' you kind of steer clear of getting compared in a solo-ing aspect.
    - Jason Bonham
  • He might have been in Led Zeppelin, but to me he was just dad.
    - Jason Bonham
  • I think to myself, How would things be for me if my dad was still alive? Would we get along? Would we argue? You know, we never got to the falling-out stage with each other.
    - Jason Bonham
  • I heard heart wrenching stories about fans who had tickets for the 1980 show in Montreal, the first concert that didn't happen, when my dad died. They'd be in tears. It was hard to deal with sometimes.
    - Jason Bonham
  • I don't think I've ever met a drummer who didn't tell me that my dad was an influence. He's a tough act to follow.
    - Jason Bonham
  • Dad's the master, I'm the student.
    - Jason Bonham
  • It's imperative that I continue putting together the best shows and take it to the next level. I'm talking to people about holograms, and my dream is to do the hologram drum solo with dad next to me.
    - Jason Bonham
  • I don't mind talking about dad and stuff, because that's part of my life, you know? For me to pretend to be like him, and do the same things he used to do is over. I can see past it now. It took me thirty-eight years and sobriety to realize who Jason Bonham is.
    - Jason Bonham
  • I've searched all of my life for approval from my dad who is not around. So if I can get approval by his fans or from peers and critics, it helps me.
    - Jason Bonham
  • A song like 'When The Levee Breaks' has a very simple pattern, but it's hard to give it that feel that my dad gave it.
    - Jason Bonham
  • I found my childhood scrapbook and there's an interview in there with dad from 1970. He talks about how long he's been playing the drums and he'd only been playing drums six years in 1970.
    - Jason Bonham
  • It is hard to have your own identity when you dad is John Bonham of Led Zeppelin, but I accept and love the fact of who my dad is.
    - Jason Bonham
  • I always regretted that I never had the chance to tell Dad how great I thought he was.
    - Jason Bonham