Best quotes by Alexa Von Tobel on Money

Checkout quotes by Alexa Von Tobel on Money

  • It is critical that kids start to learn the value of money, short-term and long-term saving and budgeting at an early age.
    - Alexa Von Tobel
  • I started LearnVest with a tiny savings account where I paid designers, technologists, and even bartered... Because I started with paying for things myself with my own savings, it sharpened my focus of how to spend money.
    - Alexa Von Tobel
  • The time to save for the future is now. Thanks to compounding interest, the earlier you start putting money away for the future, the more you will save.
    - Alexa Von Tobel
  • A financial plan is a way to take all of the money advice you come across and figure out how it applies to your specific financial situation.
    - Alexa Von Tobel
  • If you're trying to diet, what do you do? You grab your two friends and say, 'We're going to the gym; let's do this together.' Money shouldn't be any different. If you're trying to make progress, if you're trying to save more, we really need to be able to get support.
    - Alexa Von Tobel
  • When you have a lot of money, there's so many places you can go to manage your money. But when you don't have money, mathematically you actually need a financial plan more. You can't really afford to make mistakes. So why is this such a luxury product?
    - Alexa Von Tobel
  • We all have pretty much similar dreams, and at the root of all those dreams is being able to be in control of your money.
    - Alexa Von Tobel