Best quotes by Darin Strauss on People

Checkout quotes by Darin Strauss on People

  • I delivered Chinese food on Long island, which is pretty depressing. I lived with my parents and did that for six months. I got a job a few towns over from mine so I wouldn't have to see people from my high school.
    - Darin Strauss
  • My first book is about twins who are attached: two people who are joined and can't escape each other.
    - Darin Strauss
  • Society isn't good at dealing with people who have something concrete to feel guilty about or who are dealing with a loss.
    - Darin Strauss
  • What's Denver's feel? I know there're mountains, and people in western hats, but I never got a good sense of the city.
    - Darin Strauss
  • Often it's the people who know a place least well who write about it best because they see it fresh.
    - Darin Strauss
  • I guess when you write a personal story, people feel compelled to share their own stories.
    - Darin Strauss
  • What makes writing a memoir difficult is harder to quantify. Is it learning to know when you're ready to talk about something? Is it seeing the structure in a lumpen mass of fact? Is it finding out what you were really like as other people saw you? Yes to each.
    - Darin Strauss
  • I spent three and a half years writing the novel 'Chang & Eng,' about the conjoined brothers for whom the term 'Siamese twins' was contrived, and when I think of these afflicted people, my only emotion is one of profound sympathy.
    - Darin Strauss