Best quotes by Michael Shellenberger on Wind

Checkout quotes by Michael Shellenberger on Wind

  • Hydroelectric dams remain the way many poor countries gain access to reliable electricity, and both solar and wind might be worthwhile in some circumstances. But there is nothing in either their history or their physical attributes that suggests solar and wind in particular could or should be the centerpiece of efforts to deal with climate change.
    - Michael Shellenberger
  • Sunlight and wind are inherently unreliable and energy-dilute. As such, adding solar panels and wind turbines to the grid in large quantities increases the cost of generating electricity, locks in fossil fuels, and increases the environmental footprint of energy production.
    - Michael Shellenberger
  • The rapidly spinning blades of wind turbines act like an apex predator that big birds never evolved to deal with. And because big birds have much lower reproductive rates than small birds, their deaths have a far greater impact on the overall population of the species.
    - Michael Shellenberger
  • The underlying problem with solar and wind is that they are too unreliable and energy-dilute.
    - Michael Shellenberger
  • Dealing with environmental lawsuits and grassroots resistance is expensive. Industrial wind and solar developers have to hire lawyers, public relations specialists, and scientists willing to testify that this or that project poses only a modest threat to endangered birds and bats.
    - Michael Shellenberger
  • You cannot power the world on wind and solar.
    - Michael Shellenberger
  • The idea that we're going to replace oil and natural gas with solar and wind, and nothing else, is a hallucinatory delusion.
    - Michael Shellenberger
  • Neither solar nor wind are actually substitutes for coal or natural gas or oil.
    - Michael Shellenberger