Best quotes by James Arthur on Music

Checkout quotes by James Arthur on Music

  • Kurt Cobain is one of the reasons I started doing music because I just loved to watch them rock out.
    - James Arthur
  • There is a lot of pressure on pop stars, and I think a lot of it is the pressure that we put on ourselves. In our minds, we build up these huge, huge standards that we think people want from us, and actually, when you break it down, people just want you to make music and perform to the best of your ability, but anxiety can stop you from doing that.
    - James Arthur
  • I had a style before I was signed, but now I'm developing my commercial sound as well as trying to strike a balance between authentic music and music that the masses will love.
    - James Arthur
  • I want to put out music I really believe in, and when I felt that was threatened, I lashed out at everybody.
    - James Arthur
  • I have people telling me what I can and can't do, what music I can and can't make.
    - James Arthur
  • I just think you have got to bring out good music.
    - James Arthur