Best quotes by Jameela Jamil on Women

Checkout quotes by Jameela Jamil on Women

  • I wanted to be a part of telling women there is no segregation. There is no need to ever not feel beautiful or glamorous. There should be nothing that gets in your way.
    - Jameela Jamil
  • I like the fact that Tess Holliday is comfortable in her own skin and loves herself. I think that's a hugely positive message that women of all sizes really need to adopt.
    - Jameela Jamil
  • Three women in my family, close relatives, have had breast cancer, and two have died from it, and still I never thought it could happen to me. I didn't even regularly check my breasts.
    - Jameela Jamil
  • Women's bodies have always been used as a spectacle and objectified.
    - Jameela Jamil
  • More women need to stick together.
    - Jameela Jamil
  • I was so overwhelmed by the amazing response I had from thousands of women saying they felt beautiful in my first collection, I wanted to design more clothes they could love themselves in.
    - Jameela Jamil
  • We are genuinely in a world that criticises women even when they are going through the biggest physical challenge of their life: pregnancy.
    - Jameela Jamil