Best quotes by Shannon Purser on People

Checkout quotes by Shannon Purser on People

  • I feel that responsibility to really be authentic with people because I think that's what they deserve, especially in a time when it's very easy for people in the public eye to sort of cultivate an image.
    - Shannon Purser
  • Technology is a double-edged sword for sure. You can use it to get in touch with somebody, to get to know somebody, to have really meaningful conversations, or you can use it to hurt and bully people.
    - Shannon Purser
  • I was definitely always the bigger girl and kind of weird. I didn't make friends very easily and I was a big reader, so I was very antisocial, and I knew that people were judging me.
    - Shannon Purser
  • I feel like, especially in Hollywood, you meet people with ulterior motives, who are trying to get something from you.
    - Shannon Purser
  • I didn't get recognized a whole lot at first, but all of a sudden it just started happening. People would look at me out of the corner of their eye, deciding whether or not they were going to come up to me!
    - Shannon Purser
  • I think people find it so easy to write off teenagers and millennials as just being like these shallow, self-centered people who don't have anything real going on and who are always just on their cell phones. But being a teenager is really hard.
    - Shannon Purser
  • People have actually had my face tattooed on to their bodies, which is so odd.
    - Shannon Purser
  • The '80s weren't perfect and people made some questionable fashion choices but in terms of music and movies, it was revolutionary and wonderful.
    - Shannon Purser