Best quotes by Norman Reedus on Me

Checkout quotes by Norman Reedus on Me

  • I don't have a mullet, but going into season one on 'The Walking Dead,' I asked to have a mullet, and everybody talked me out of it. Because I'd have to wear a mullet when we were not shooting every day. I have that motorcycle, wings on my vest, the crossbow... Maybe a mullet would've thrown me over the edge.
    - Norman Reedus
  • I followed a girl I met in Japan to Los Angeles and ended up working in a motorcycle store. I quit the job one night, went to a party in the Hollywood Hills and ended up yelling at a bunch of people. Someone saw me yelling and asked me to be in a play. The first night, there was an agent in the audience who took me on and sent me out for jobs.
    - Norman Reedus
  • I'm one of those guys that - as far as relationships and stuff go - if you smile at me, I'm like, 'Let's date for three years' - which is just ridiculous.
    - Norman Reedus
  • I have a cartoon I'm developing with Adult Swim called 'Monster Town U.S.A.,' so I'm busy doing that. Trying to do a coffee-table book of my photography that's been requested of me a couple of times. I'm constantly busy.
    - Norman Reedus
  • I'm still insecure, but when I first started acting, I was really insecure. I glared at a lot of people. I assumed everyone hated me. Somehow that scowl has turned into an acting career.
    - Norman Reedus
  • I've been camping and stuff, but if you left me in the woods I'd probably just curl up and cry until someone found me.
    - Norman Reedus
  • If a woman is dishonest, that kills it for me. I can't even talk to her anymore.
    - Norman Reedus
  • I had fears going into television that it might become boring to me, and I always like to be challenged, push myself. You do a film, and you know where you're going; you have this material to stretch and play with as much as possible because you know how it ends.
    - Norman Reedus