Best quotes by Holly Holm on Fight

Checkout quotes by Holly Holm on Fight

  • I have a different kind of experience than other girls had. I've had to face a lot of different styles and adjust to them. I had to face a lot of bad situations and come back. I've had to fight with my eyes swollen shut and my nose broken and bloody.
    - Holly Holm
  • There's days in training where everything flows and days in training where they don't. You just pray that doesn't happen the night of the fight.
    - Holly Holm
  • I'm always open to suggestions. I'm open to opportunities. Whether I take them or not, I don't know. And I would only take them if I weren't training, if I didn't have a fight scheduled. I really want to keep my focus on fighting. That's where all these doors are opening up from anyways. I don't want to lose sight of that. I love fighting.
    - Holly Holm
  • I started doing MMA and boxing at the same time - I always wanted to try an MMA fight to see what it was like. I had one fight, and I was hooked.
    - Holly Holm
  • I know there's a lot of emotion going into a fight, but everything in a fight - none of it comes out of an evil heart.
    - Holly Holm
  • There's a ton of nerves for every fight I've been in; it doesn't matter if it was my debut.
    - Holly Holm
  • I've been on the end of losing a fight, and there's a piece of my heart that has compassion towards that because I know how it feels.
    - Holly Holm