Best quotes by John Petrucci on Time

Checkout quotes by John Petrucci on Time

  • When you reminisce, you don't say, 'Remember that time you got sued by so-and-so?' No, you say, 'Remember when we played here and it was unbelievable, and we went out for that incredible meal and that funny thing happened?' Those are the important moments.
    - John Petrucci
  • We toured with Iron Maiden and we opened and they'd come in later and I didn't have a lot of time to get to hang out with those guys. Whenever you did, whether it was sitting down at catering or something, you tried to take advantage and just hang out and talk and trade stories.
    - John Petrucci
  • I spent a lot of time developing my chops when I was younger. In doing so, I found that one of the hardest things was dealing with what to practice.
    - John Petrucci
  • If I had to pick a favorite band of all time, it would be Rush.
    - John Petrucci
  • I don't know if people know this about me, but I'm into Billy Joel. I'm a huge fan of his and always have been. He's just a quintessential songwriter of our time. Talk about a storied career - so many classic songs and great albums.
    - John Petrucci
  • If you practice in a focused, concentrated manner and make efficient use of your time, you will progress a lot faster than if you were to use the same time noodling without any specific goals or direction.
    - John Petrucci
  • I see every new album as an opportunity to start over. To either build or improve upon a direction that has been evolving over time or to completely break new ground.
    - John Petrucci
  • In the neighborhood that I grew up in - in New York on Long Island - there were a lot of musicians. For some reason, that time in history in our town in New York, everybody played. So it was all around me.
    - John Petrucci