Best quotes by Hedy Lamarr on Women

Checkout quotes by Hedy Lamarr on Women

  • It is easier for women to succeed in business, the arts, and politics in America than in Europe.
    - Hedy Lamarr
  • Perhaps my problem in marriage - and it is the problem of many women - was to want both intimacy and independence. It is a difficult line to walk, yet both needs are important to a marriage.
    - Hedy Lamarr
  • I find very often that very ugly women have really handsome men and vice versa because they don't have any competition. Sometimes handsome men have avoided me.
    - Hedy Lamarr
  • I think women are concerned too much with their clothes. Men don't really care that much about women's clothes. If they like a girl, chances are they'll like her clothes.
    - Hedy Lamarr
  • It's funny about men and women. Men pay in cash to get them and pay in cash to get rid of them. Women pay emotionally coming and going. Neither has it easy.
    - Hedy Lamarr