Best quotes by Georgina Bloomberg on Me

Checkout quotes by Georgina Bloomberg on Me

  • Marriage is not super-important to me - most end in divorce. I love the idea of being with someone forever, but I don't think it happens very often.
    - Georgina Bloomberg
  • I had to take a big risk by writing my young adult book series 'The A Circuit' and putting myself out there in that way. I don't consider myself a good writer, so I had to rely on a co-writer. Still, I knew that people would judge me and my writing. I am really proud of the way the series turned out.
    - Georgina Bloomberg
  • I'm a high-strung personality, and I love checking off my to-do list - it's my way of relaxing. I also genuinely love working out. If I have an hour to kill, I love to go to the gym. It's a stress-release for me.
    - Georgina Bloomberg
  • Having the name 'Bloomberg' doesn't help me in any way... and it really is a disadvantage and takes away from the image I'm trying to portray.
    - Georgina Bloomberg
  • I really like to look professional but also have personal flare. You will never find me in head-to-toe designer - I like to mix it up.
    - Georgina Bloomberg