Best quotes by Harvey Mackay on Time

Checkout quotes by Harvey Mackay on Time

  • Deadlines aren't bad. They help you organize your time. They help you set priorities. They make you get going when you might not feel like it.
    - Harvey Mackay
  • Give your subconscious a chance to work by turning your brain off from time to time. Don't focus on work or solving problems constantly.
    - Harvey Mackay
  • There is a time to provide advice and offer an opinion, and there is a time not to. Don't be too quick to offer unsolicited advice. It certainly will not endear you to people.
    - Harvey Mackay
  • By getting your customers to agree with you in small steps along the way, you have a better chance of reaching agreement when it's time to do business.
    - Harvey Mackay
  • As you schedule individual tasks, give yourself a cushion. Mark the due date a few days ahead of the actual deadline so you have time to deal with changes or last-minute emergencies.
    - Harvey Mackay