Best quotes by Tom Chatfield on World

Checkout quotes by Tom Chatfield on World

  • Forget artificial intelligence - in the brave new world of big data, it's artificial idiocy we should be looking out for.
    - Tom Chatfield
  • For all the sophistication of a world in which most of our waking hours are spent consuming or interacting with media, we have scarcely advanced in our understanding of what attention means.
    - Tom Chatfield
  • Above all, the translation of books into digital formats means the destruction of boundaries. Bound, printed texts are discrete objects: immutable, individual, lendable, cut off from the world.
    - Tom Chatfield
  • Mass literacy is a phenomenon of the past few centuries, and one that has reached the majority of the world's adult population only within the past 75 years.
    - Tom Chatfield
  • As a medium, electronic screens possess infinite capacities and instant interconnections, turning words into a new kind of active agent in the world.
    - Tom Chatfield
  • Modern motor vehicles are safer and more reliable than they have ever been - yet more than 1 million people are killed in car accidents around the world each year, and more than 50 million are injured. Why? Largely because one perilous element in the mechanics of driving remains unperfected by progress: the human being.
    - Tom Chatfield