Best quotes by Hans-Ulrich Obrist on New

Checkout quotes by Hans-Ulrich Obrist on New

  • To keep art stimulating, it's important to open it up to new horizons, which includes showing it in unexpected contexts.
    - Hans-Ulrich Obrist
  • I spent 250 to 300 days of every year on the road. But in the end, I felt something was missing. I needed to be anchored so I could concentrate, so in 2000, I established a new methodology - the one I use today. I spent the week in my office and travelled every weekend, even at Christmas.
    - Hans-Ulrich Obrist
  • At Performa in New York, there are a lot of commissions, but Manchester Festival is the only festival where everything is fully produced by the festival.
    - Hans-Ulrich Obrist
  • In this new age of GPS, Google Earth and multidimensional digital maps, mapping is suddenly hugely relevant again.
    - Hans-Ulrich Obrist
  • For me, the making of exhibitions has always had to do with dialogue: a concentrated, in-depth, focused dialogue with artists, who keep teaching me that exhibitions should always invent new rules for the game.
    - Hans-Ulrich Obrist
  • Fly-in, fly-out curating nearly always produces superficial results; it's a practice that goes hand in hand with the fashion for applying the word 'curating' to everything that involves simply making a choice - radio playlists, hotel decor, even the food stalls in New York's High Line Park.
    - Hans-Ulrich Obrist