Best quotes by Hannah Teter on Life

Checkout quotes by Hannah Teter on Life

  • The Special Olympics motto, 'Let me win, but if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt,' really speaks to me because it embodies exactly what I have pursued in my life. Really, that's all any of us can hope for - a chance to be brave and to pursue a dream.
    - Hannah Teter
  • Funny how one halfpipe run can change your life.
    - Hannah Teter
  • I've been striving for attention my whole life. Now I have it.
    - Hannah Teter
  • I've always felt really lucky and really privileged with my life, how I grew up, and the opportunities I've had.
    - Hannah Teter
  • I've always felt really lucky and really privileged with my life, how I grew up, and the opportunities I've had.
    - Hannah Teter
  • Every human life is worth so much.
    - Hannah Teter