Best quotes by Greg Ginn on Music

Checkout quotes by Greg Ginn on Music

  • There's not much music I'll listen to if it doesn't have pretty heavy swing. Rhythm is so important. Punk rock would have more power and feeling if it had swing.
    - Greg Ginn
  • It took us two years to get our first real gig. That was a big dream. We ended up booking a lot of our own gigs and putting on a lot of our own shows. We were trying to get our actual music across, trying to make a connection there.
    - Greg Ginn
  • I didn't have a lot of overtly political songs. I think it was more the actions of the group that were threatening to the authorities, and also our political philosophies apart from the music.
    - Greg Ginn
  • I had business experience. I had made my living designing and building electronic equipment. Basic business was not new to me, but the music business was completely new to me. I knew nothing about distribution, or any of those things.
    - Greg Ginn
  • If people are really excited about their music, and that's their primary motivation, then that comes through in demo tapes. That's the most important ingredient.
    - Greg Ginn
  • Most good things happen with time; especially music, which needs time to breathe and to find its own way.
    - Greg Ginn
  • We were excited when we sold our first 10 records. I always felt that if we could get the music out there, and if people became accustomed to it, then a substantial number of them would enjoy it.
    - Greg Ginn