Best quotes by Martellus Bennett on Life

Checkout quotes by Martellus Bennett on Life

  • If you play sports, use sports. So many of our kids get used by the game and then get nothing out of it. Use it as a tool to open up other doors that you want to open in life.
    - Martellus Bennett
  • I don't want to inspire the next generation of tight ends or linebackers to play the game. If I could inspire the next generation of architects and technology leaders and writers and illustrators and film directors, then I feel like I have fulfilled my life purpose.
    - Martellus Bennett
  • I think sometimes in life we learn that we're only allowed to have one dream, but you can have more than one dream. You can accomplish more than one thing.
    - Martellus Bennett
  • For me, storytelling is what I love to do and that's my life's work. Football is not my life's work. It's just part of my life's journey, but creativity is my actual life's work.
    - Martellus Bennett
  • If I die and you remember me as an athlete, I failed at life.
    - Martellus Bennett
  • I want to be so far removed from the idea that it's like, 'Oh, right, he won a Super Bowl.' Football is only a small part of your life.
    - Martellus Bennett
  • I want to live a life full of purpose and intention. Sometimes when we play sports and athletics you can lose your purpose.
    - Martellus Bennett