Best quotes by Gloria Swanson on Life

Checkout quotes by Gloria Swanson on Life

  • Writing the story of your own life is a bit like drilling your own teeth.
    - Gloria Swanson
  • Life and death. They are somehow sweetly and beautifully mixed, but I don't know how.
    - Gloria Swanson
  • As Daddy said, life is 95 percent anticipation.
    - Gloria Swanson
  • I didn't want to spend the rest of my life playing Norma Desmond over and over again.
    - Gloria Swanson
  • I didn't want to spend the rest of my life playing Norma Desmond over and over again.
    - Gloria Swanson
  • In two months Joseph Kennedy had taken over my entire life, and I trusted him implicitly to make the most of it.
    - Gloria Swanson
  • The day I initiated divorce proceedings against Michael Farmer, I was ready to retire to a desert cave and rethink my life.
    - Gloria Swanson
  • When I die, my epitaph should read: She Paid the Bills. That's the story of my private life.
    - Gloria Swanson