Best quotes by Michelangelo on Love

Checkout quotes by Michelangelo on Love

  • Death and love are the two wings that bear the good man to heaven.
    - Michelangelo
  • I live and love in God's peculiar light.
    - Michelangelo
  • I have never felt salvation in nature. I love cities above all.
    - Michelangelo
  • If in my youth I had realized that the sustaining splendour of beauty of with which I was in love would one day flood back into my heart, there to ignite a flame that would torture me without end, how gladly would I have put out the light in my eyes.
    - Michelangelo
  • Many believe - and I believe - that I have been designated for this work by God. In spite of my old age, I do not want to give it up; I work out of love for God and I put all my hope in Him.
    - Michelangelo