Best quotes by Gerry Cooney on Me

Checkout quotes by Gerry Cooney on Me

  • I've had a long, long road with lots of ups and downs. But that's all behind me now.
    - Gerry Cooney
  • I'm a real person. I have real feelings. I have real thoughts. It's a quality people like about me. They can reach out and touch me. I wouldn't give it up for anything.
    - Gerry Cooney
  • Boxing was a way to express my anger. All of a sudden, I was expressing anger, and I was good at it. I was like a Jekyll and Hyde. Boxing helped me because I was fighting the anger out. I was knocking guys out.
    - Gerry Cooney
  • I was a small kid from Huntington, Long Island. I never imagined that anything like that would happen to me.
    - Gerry Cooney
  • When somebody used to compliment me, I'd spend 10 minutes trying to talk them out of it.
    - Gerry Cooney
  • I always felt I was wounded. That I was no good, a piece of crap, and that I wouldn't amount to anything, because that's what my father always told me. I just felt like I didn't belong anywhere.
    - Gerry Cooney
  • I had personal problems. I was spending 50% of my life on my family, 50% on boxing. Neither was getting anywhere. It was killing me. So I had to break away from fighting.
    - Gerry Cooney
  • The road hasn't always been paved for me. People identify with that. Everybody passes through hard times, and I think that's part of my appeal - that I have, too.
    - Gerry Cooney
  • People haven't seen enough of me. My fights haven't gone the distance, and people have a lot of questions. I want to find out for myself as much as the people do. I want to find out what I can do.
    - Gerry Cooney
  • What hurt most were the people who came up to me and said they lost $1,000 on me. It just makes you mad.
    - Gerry Cooney
  • I don't overswing any more. I can throw a punch and be right in position to punch again. No more 'Hail Mary' punches, where it took me five minutes to get back in position.
    - Gerry Cooney
  • Winning the Gloves made me believe I was somebody.
    - Gerry Cooney
  • I don't care what you say about me anymore! I don't care what you write about me anymore. I don't care! This is my life. I can't have anybody messing with my life. I just want to be Gerry Cooney, doing what I want to do. I want to be what I am. A fighter.
    - Gerry Cooney
  • I want to get me one of those titles.
    - Gerry Cooney
  • I want to win. For myself first. And for all those people who stuck with me and understood.
    - Gerry Cooney