Best quotes by S.E. Cupp on Time

Checkout quotes by S.E. Cupp on Time

  • When we talk about people or a party being on the wrong side of history, it usually requires some hindsight, a position of informed advantage to see clearly missteps that were less clear at the time of events.
    - S.E. Cupp
  • It's funny, when I'm in airports and I'm walking around, maybe feeling a little tired in my sweatpants and not wanting to talk to folks, I just put on my sunglasses. And usually it works every time.
    - S.E. Cupp
  • Why bad people - who are bad to other people - keep getting hired after they have proven their selves time and again is a mystery to me.
    - S.E. Cupp
  • There are plenty of good, rational, compassionate and talented conservatives who deserve a microphone and a platform. It's time to pass the baton to a new generation of leaders who don't speak - or think - like Archie Bunker.
    - S.E. Cupp
  • I'd be perfectly happy living anonymously on a ranch in Kentucky, where the only time someone mentioned me was to discuss the crazy lady up the road with all the taxidermy and jerky.
    - S.E. Cupp