Best quotes by Gary Hume on Me

Checkout quotes by Gary Hume on Me

  • People constantly describe me as a formalist or even a minimalist, but I'm not really bothered with the rules of painting or the history of painting. My approach is that everything is mine. I take what I can use from wherever, and then I forget where I've taken it from. But there is no point me making anything that looks like anyone else's.
    - Gary Hume
  • The surface is all you get of me.
    - Gary Hume
  • I'm probably not going to develop to a final state as an artist. Like, become better and better, more and more refined. Become 'pure.' I don't think that's going to happen to me, because I don't really see that as something I want to explore.
    - Gary Hume
  • I like things that are just about to go. Everything's leaving. Death is never far away from me. When you make something, death can't help but be in it.
    - Gary Hume
  • I have to go with what the painting says to me. The painting is always informing me. I'm its servant; it's not mine. I'm doing what it wants.
    - Gary Hume