Best quotes by Lauv on Song

Checkout quotes by Lauv on Song

  • I feel like Drake could literally put out anything - like, the sound of seagulls over a beat - and it could be the Number One song on Spotify.
    - Lauv
  • I could never write a proper party song.
    - Lauv
  • Any one thing can get in the way of you and your brain being comfortable and being inspired. It's the difference between a really big song and a song that never existed.
    - Lauv
  • Ever since I visited Paris when I was younger, the sappy side of me really wanted to write a song about it someday.
    - Lauv
  • I put out my first song, 'The Other,' in 2015 just on Soundcloud. It was always my most popular song but never really went far in a mainstream way. Then, a couple years after it came out, I watched it go from 8 million to, like, 100 million.
    - Lauv
  • In a way, the traditional album is no longer as important as it used to be. But at the same time, I don't want to be the kind of artist who just releases one song after another.
    - Lauv