Best quotes by Sheryl Lee on People

Checkout quotes by Sheryl Lee on People

  • I still get terrified if I have to talk in front of a group of people. By having a character to play, it makes it safer.
    - Sheryl Lee
  • Because Laura Palmer was dead... there was always this strange sense that people were seeing a ghost when they would see me.
    - Sheryl Lee
  • I had no idea it was going to be like this. People come up to me all the time, but it's never, 'Oh, you're Sheryl Lee.' It's, 'Oh my gosh, you're Laura Palmer.'
    - Sheryl Lee
  • I was the kind of kid, I'd sit in the back row of the class with my head practically under the desk. I was incredibly afraid of people and very shy.
    - Sheryl Lee
  • For some weird reason, people have a fascination with Laura Palmer.
    - Sheryl Lee
  • People are doing so many incredible, inspiring, interesting things all over this country, and I think that's where the hope is - seeing how innovative and creative people can be.
    - Sheryl Lee
  • I'm starting to understand why certain people in the entertainment business reach a point where they say, 'I'm not going to do any more interviews.' I definitely understand that.
    - Sheryl Lee
  • People don't set out being bad. They have deep pain inside.
    - Sheryl Lee