Best quotes by Tom Steyer on Belief

Checkout quotes by Tom Steyer on Belief

  • If we are to candidly and comprehensively address climate change - which I believe is the true crisis of our time - we must find new ways to generate energy and fuel.
    - Tom Steyer
  • We believe the way social change occurs in the United States, over the last 200 years, is the democratic process.
    - Tom Steyer
  • We agree that Citizens United is a very bad decision. We don't believe outspending your opponent is the way to go, since we don't believe we will ever be outspending our opponents!
    - Tom Steyer
  • I'm a 30-year businessperson. I believe in American business. I believe in American ingenuity, and I believe in American innovation.
    - Tom Steyer
  • We think that when the American people make a decision together that they want something, politicians have to listen to them, and that's the process we believe in.
    - Tom Steyer