Best quotes by Esther Dyson on People

Checkout quotes by Esther Dyson on People

  • Change means that what was before wasn't perfect. People want things to be better.
    - Esther Dyson
  • There's almost no way of doing importing honestly, because if you do you're at such a disadvantage competitively. So people spend huge amounts of effort getting around stupid laws and not paying taxes.
    - Esther Dyson
  • It offends me when people do useless work.
    - Esther Dyson
  • Normal people with normal lives are not going to ask for sugar-free yogurt. They just take the stuff with sugar in it.
    - Esther Dyson
  • Indeed, though people increasingly learn and interact online, we retain a fundamental need to engage in person.
    - Esther Dyson