Best quotes by Holly Black on Time

Checkout quotes by Holly Black on Time

  • I've loved vampires for a very long time. In eighth grade, I guess, my research paper was on vampires.
    - Holly Black
  • There's never really been a time when vampires weren't so over that you would be crazy to write a vampire book, or so huge that you would be crazy to write a vampire book. I'm not sure there's ever going to be a time. We went from Anne Rice to Buffy to 'Twilight.'
    - Holly Black
  • Growing up, my mom was a painter, my best friend was a painter, my husband is a painter. For a long time I knew artists, and I didn't know any writers.
    - Holly Black
  • I am not very good at sticking to outlines, and I double back all the time to revisit scenes and change things.
    - Holly Black
  • I revise a lot while I'm drafting, often going back to the beginning again and again to revise because I've changed massive things about the story. By the time I get to the end of a first draft, I've been through the beginning lots of times.
    - Holly Black