Best quotes by Feist on Me

Checkout quotes by Feist on Me

  • After 'Sesame Street,' it's a hyper-familiar world to me and I have this childlike ability to ignore the fact that I'm talking to scraps of cloth. Every country I go to, I see posters promoting the film in different languages. 'Los Muppets' - I love that!
    - Feist
  • For me, music is in the choice of what not to play as much as in what you've chosen to play.
    - Feist
  • I once looked over the shoulder of a friend on Facebook and it looked like hieroglyphs to me. There's merit online, of course, but social media gets super freaky. Imagine if three generations from now, people online have forgotten what date or day of the week it is.
    - Feist
  • 'Metals' has partly been about me regaining my self respect and I feel like I'm growing the muscles I want to grow again.
    - Feist
  • I was a bar-back, which is the person who cleans the bathrooms at the end of the night in the bar, and a cook. I had kind of given up. I was into backing other people up. Music was something I just did on the side and I don't think I had the energy to pimp myself out, like call people up and ask them to book me to play.
    - Feist
  • When I did '1,2,3,4' on 'Sesame Street' they'd rewritten the song and made it about counting. At first, I balked. I was like, 'Counting to four? That's where we're going with this?' Then they sent me appearances by other people like James Blunt doing 'You're Beautiful' as 'My Triangle.'
    - Feist
  • I've not really spent much time in proper studios. The room itself where you're recording, and how you live while you're there is what appeals to me.
    - Feist